Wednesday 29 October 2008

Trust no-one!

Another fine display of boozing at the darts match (we'll gloss over the performance ) followed by a spliff-fuelled TW09 sesh til 5:30am. Tuesdays are wrapped up now. Sorted. Just one problem, cash is draining away and still reliant on my bruv to fetch the gear. The cash SHOULD last but there are all sorts of 'extra' drinking obligations cropping up. For example, the Arsenal v Tottenham game is tonight and that'll be a score at least. I am unable to refuse this sort of opportunity when there is cash in the bin, even knowing there are boozy commitments already pencilled in. It is the rules of the game. And I do love a swig or two.
On the other matter, reliance on other people can be dodgy. As you may have read, little bruv has already taken advantage of my need of him to make sure he stays spliffed til the next dole cheque. Not that I'm out of pocket or gear. Maybe it has even stretched the life of the purchase. Latest development is of some concern though. Having layed out a twenty I recieved a tenbag that had been opened and the explanation that yours 'fell out my shoe on the way back' so I was given his own with the promise to make it up next friday. Hmmmmm. Course,
I had to let him have a couple of joints too...
This brings me to the dealers. You need to have access yourself, not 'get me some when you pick up?'. This is riddled with uncertainy, and you can't argue with a word like 'riddled'. So, you need your own. In fact, you need two. There are plenty of dry spells and a back up is needed, but the point is you go and buy your own gear. Not as easy as it sounds as stoned people can be paranoid. I'm not myself but someone is telling people I am, and if I find them...
Ahem, sorry.
Anyway, if you get on good terms with your guy, and use him regularly, your deals will get better and so will the quality. There have been plenty of times when picking up for a mate at the same time, I've bought a bigger quantity to get a better deal and not passed on the saving. This is standard practice and no-one technically loses out. It all means I need to sort out my own and stop relying on my brother.
You see, with drugs, don't trust relatives, friends, business associates. NEVER girlfriends. They are in the perfect position to take advantage. I've lost count of the time someone who really shouldn't has given me the old 'the wrap was loose, it's come out in my pocket' when dispensing the odd line. Or my personal favourite 'sorry, I dropped it in a piss puddle by the bog'. Thing is though, with the Gianluca, it's so bloody expensive that people will. Weed and hash is not about money it's about staying high. Skunk is a bit more costly so it can be both reasons. So, watch your friends, spy on your brothers and follow you lover. And life will be just great!
Anyway, things to do before I can head off to the pub before the derby game.

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