Wednesday 15 October 2008

Still Got It!


Great night! Started out with 6 quid, got smashed! Feel shit now. Maybe write some more after a kip...


Human again. And quite proud of myself, verging on smugness. Not only did I turn a bluey and a wet tuesday into a fun night of drunken bawdiness, I played some superb darts, in a team that romped home looking clearly semi-pro title contenders one and all! (7-2 to us if it matters, I won both my matches 2-0 in (singles and pairs) and was the type of bollocks the dog visits the plastic surgeon to have created)
The night started out without to much optimism rolling around, as I say, there wasn't too much coinage of the realm knocking about. I have been expecting some cash to come from a few days moonlighting I had done with a window fitter (hilariously called Sash... never mind) a few months ago. There had been numerous excuses as to why I have had to wait so long for the cash, including one of "sorry, I'm in Germany", but out of the blue and unprompted he got in touch and said he'd pop round with the cash in the evening. Unfortunately this did not turn out to be the something that always turns up so I had to borrow a tenspot from Frosty the Snowwife.
Maybe at this point I should mention that although there is a divorce being sought, my wife has yet to actually physically leave me. This is relatively awkward and I don't really feel it would be right at the moment to expand on this situation here. All in the fullness of time, dear reader...
Anyway, now the money is reasonable for at least the beginnings of the great experiment, can I return to the carefree abandonment of the past. Well taxi's were foregone and the smallest pouch of tobacco purchased and Best Speed To The Pub! Well, drizzly 2 mile trudge at least.....
But, as I have mentioned it turned out really well, we were playing at home which is a social club so beer is cheap, I had the birthday to play on for the odd extra pint and I won the bus-stop so an extra tenner! All in all, though I got pretty drunk, it may not have been the most raucous return to the fray but I think that an easing into the life may be more appropriate for a man of my many years. Stage 1 accomplished. Stage 2 may be more complicated, as substance abuse was never limited to alcohol. Actually, I never abused any substance, there were all used correctly in a manner designed to get wasted to the maximum potiential of the chemical in question. Abuse of a drug in my view means spilling it out of the wrap into your pocket or a badly rolled joint that lets the smoke all pour out the side before it gets to the roach....
This may take a bit more thought. For now though, the head has started complaining again.

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