Friday, 14 November 2008

Going on the Borrow

I could have a very good weekend coming up. Thing is, I'd need about 40 squidlings. I have about none. It turns out the wife used the last of the pot to pay her mobile out of OUR cash and not HER cash. Which means I paid half. Which is why I'm looking at a weekend of telly and xbox not beer and fags.
The answer to this is to borrow til it's sorted. But from who...
My parents are always skint, my siblings are either skint or using their cash, my mates are useless.
Borrowing has always been a necessary evil. Many times has a wage packet been cut in half by the repayment of loans or pawned goodies. This means more borrowing til you can gradually borrow less each week til you are somewhere near straight. Or you have to flog your telly. I have been known to book holidays from jobs that forward you that weeks cash just to get straight. Not recommended though, the week off has to be spent working from agencies or you spend it all in the pub in a day or two.
The answer is to spend your time with cans at home and not the pub, and a big bag of weed (and I mean weed, NOT skunk!). As the poet said 'weed will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no weed'. Unfortunately being unprepared for the extent of my skintness I have made no provisions. So.
Can you lend us a bullseye?


Nik Nak said...

After that useless comment? Hmmm.

Grub said...
